Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm | Sat: 8:00am - 2:00pm
SC - The Depot | Midland | Ontario | Turf

SC The Depot offers a range of grass options to meet your needs. If you are looking to plant your own from seed we carry General Seed Lawn Mixtures™.
Available in 10 lb, 25 lb and 50 lb bags. **

However, if you are looking for sod to roll out the green carpet, we also offer Brayford Sod Farm™ fresh sod. Cut the same day as delivered, these 9 sq.ft rolls are an easy place and a simple just add water solution.


  • 20% Kentucky Bluegrass
  • 20% Creeping Red Fescue
  • 30% Slider LS™ Perennial Ryegrass
  • 30% Torsion LS™ Perennial Ryegrass

Deluxe Overseed LS™ A good solid mixture for over seeding on most soil types with endophyte enhanced Rye grass.


  • 33% Slider LS™ Perennial Ryegrass
  • 33% Torsion LS™ Perennial Ryegrass
  • 34% Grand Slam GLD Perennial Ryegrass

Quick Catch LS™ is a great mixture for over seeding or patching up bare spots.


  • 30% Kentucky Bluegrass
  • 30% Creeping Red Fescue
  • 25% Slider LS™ Perennial Ryegrass
  • 10% Chewing Fescue
  • 5% POA Trivialis

Sun & Shade LS™ has ingredients that both thrive in shady areas as well as in full sun. It performs well on any soil type.


  • 30% Creeping Red Fescue
  • 20% Chewing Fescue
  • 10% POA Trivialis
  • 40% Slider LS™ Perennial Ryegrass

Super Shade LS™ is a mixture for medium to heavily shaded areas.

**10 lb bags cover 1000 sq.ft.
**25 lb bags cover 2500 sq.ft
**50 lb bags cover 5000 sq.ft